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时间:2023-03-13人气:作者: 西安招聘网



招聘人数:2 人到岗时间:不限年龄要求:18-45周岁性别要求:男婚况要求:不限婚况This position is concerned with the power supply in usual operation in the hotel. Proper functioning of all electrical equipment and appliances in the hotel.配电值班保证酒店电力正常供给. 维护酒店所有电气设备和设施的正常运行。1.Shift hand over according to the regulations, be responsible for all related On the duty shift. On /off duty On time.按时上下班,按规定做好交接班工作,交班后对本班一切负责。2.Periodically inspect and record the meter, well done the logbook accoding to the regulations.定时按规定巡视抄表,记录,做好工作日志。3.To replace no lighting bulbs for all areas of the hotel更换各个区域不亮的灯泡。4.Familiar with the power distribution system, could find out the key contactor rapidly.熟悉酒店配电系统,能迅速找到关键节点。5.Responsible for electrical control system of all equipment.负责水泵房、各种排送风机和制冷设备及其附属用电设备的电源供给及控制设备的电气维修。6.Responsible for electrical distribution box in Guest Floor.负责楼层配电室的运行管理。7.To strictly operate according to the procedures. Eliminate any inncidents of life,equipment.严格按照操作规程工作,杜绝一切人身、设备事故。8. Familiar with the power stop/ start peocedures, be able to complete the operations of it rapidly and safely.熟悉停送电程序,能迅速安全的完成停送电操作。9.Test operation and maintenance of the generators together with supervisor. Make sure the generators could be put into use rapidly when power supply stopped.和主管一起进行发电机试运行,维护,停电时能使发电机迅速正常投用。10.Well implement the enter limited regulations of power distribution room.执行好配电重地的门禁制定。11.No food bring in regulations should be strictly executed. Well done mouse control.严格执行不得将食物带入制度,做好防鼠工作。12.Ensure good housekeeping and orderliness in work area.保持工作区域干净和整洁。13.Preventative maintenance to be done according to the instruction of supervisor.在主管的指导下做好预防性维护工作。14.To repair electrical equipments as required.根据需要进行电气维修工作。15.Ensures timely reporting of malfunction or maintenance deficiencies to appropriate area.及时报告设备故障和维修缺陷问题。16.Hotel voluntary firefighter. Participate in fire trainings, fire drills and disaster relief activities.酒店义务消防员,参加消防培训,演练,参加各种救灾活动。17.The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment.如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。18.Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。岗位资历要求:1. Should have at least 1 year electric working experience . 至少有一年以上强电工作经验。2.Should have high tension electric certificate. 具有高压电工证。3. Basic mechanic knowledge. 基本的机械方面的知识。4.Graduated from electric professional school. 电力专科学校毕业


酒店位于西咸新区沣东新城核心位置,毗邻昆明池遗址公园 , 距 离 西 安 高 新 技 术 产 业 开 发 区 核 心 区 域8公 里 。 仅10分钟车程即可抵达西安阿房宫高铁站,30分钟车程抵达西安高铁站及西安咸阳国际机场。酒店拥有292间时尚现代的客房及套房,无论您是商务出行还是旅游度假,都将为带来难忘的暖 逸 时光。酒店餐饮设施包括中餐厅、全日餐厅和大堂吧,提供风味独特的中、西式烹调美味,让您尽享受欢乐时光。
